New Holistic Life

About the Session

Each session is individualized and catered to you

Remote Session:

Appointments are scheduled through my online booking service found at the top menu “Schedule Appointment“.

Sessions are held worldwide through either Skype (Audio Only) or Phone. If you would like a recording of the session, please choose or Skype.

I can be found on Skype under livejeanette_2352 or the email

Session fee: $130/1hr (Discounted packages are also available)

Please do your best to notify me at least 24 hours in advance if you are unable to make your session. Appointments changed or canceled with less than 24 hours notice are subject to a cancellation fee of half the session cost. No refunds if you miss your scheduled appointment.

These are some of the areas in which I can help:

Allergies, autoimmune disease

Digestive problems, IBS, food allergies

Detox, parasites, candida, yeast, bacterial infection, viruses

Aches and pains, fibromyalgia, arthritis, gout, water retention, PH-level

Weight Loss


Skin problems, rashes, Psoriasis.

Chronic fatigue, stress, narcolepsy

Emotional blocks

Chakra clearing and balancing

Channeling spiritual guides, ascended masters and passed loved ones (people & pets)